Pleated/Honeycomb Blinds


Our Pleated Blinds and Honeycomb Blinds Range

Pleated honeycomb blinds are the leaders in functionality and efficiency. Honeycomb blinds have an innovative design that consists of two or more layers of fabric that form honeycomb-shaped air pockets. These air pockets help to trap air and provide insulation. Honeycomb pleated blinds are an excellent addition for homes or workplaces seeking efficiency and functionality. Pleated blinds are incredibly ergonomic. They can be adjusted to optimise light control and reduce inside glare, making them a popular choice for workplaces, studies and home theatre rooms.

At Inside Story, we pride ourselves on creating and sourcing premium quality fixtures and fittings for all interior spaces. Our pleated blinds are developed with European fabrics and include sheer, blackout and waterproof materials.

Pleated blinds are ideal for large, and specialty windows and can be installed on doors, boats and inside motor homes. We offer an extensive selection of shapes, designs and styles as well as battery and motorised blinds. Pleated honeycomb blinds can be optimised for any interior space and to suit any lifestyle or workflow.

The intelligent design of honeycomb pleated blinds ensures that heat is trapped in summer and cold air is trapped in winter. Pleated blinds are especially popular for those seeking efficient temperature regulation and light control. For those searching for the solution to computer and TV glare, look no further than pleated blinds. Pleated blinds are designed to eliminate glare without creating total darkness. Homes and workplaces with large windows can benefit from these smart features.

Aside from their practical design, pleated honeycomb blinds are also very sleek. When raised, the stack height of the blinds is minimal and seamless. Optimise your view without compromising on privacy. Choose where you need light and shade by adjusting the height of the blind. Raise the blinds the conventional way or drop towards the windowsill to create privacy down low while keeping that morning sun up high. The unique features of honeycomb blinds give you the power to control precisely where you need privacy.

It is important to consider lifestyle and interior factors when choosing pleated or honeycomb blinds and curtains. Honeycomb blinds can be customised to include waterproof and easy wash materials which make them a durable and low-maintenance option. Low-maintenance blinds are especially important for large or extensive windows, as well as areas that have high foot traffic such as offices and public spaces. Honeycomb pleated blinds will provide you with the confidence you need to curate and manage your interior spaces efficiently.

Explore our Pleated Blinds and Honeycomb Blinds Collection 

Discover our extensive range of pleated blinds when you browse through our online catalog. Easily compare different styles and options and take time to consider the blinds that will benefit your interior space carefully. Be impressed by our exceptional range and experienced customer service. Feel free to reach out to our friendly staff should you have any questions about our online catalog, products or services. We otherwise hope you enjoy perusing our online selection of pleated honeycomb blinds.